Racing provides an opportunity to test your skill and see how you rank among your peers. Racing through the Topeka Ski Club is handled by the Flatland Ski Association and is divided into these categories:
- Novice Race – Designated for the beginning racers. This is an easy course, usually on a beginner slope, that will let novices earn points for their clubs and experience the thrill of ski racing. This race is not open to skiers who have earned any type of NASTAR or “citizen” racing medal or who have earned a medal in the FSA Challenge Race.
- Challenge Alpine Race – For the majority of Flatland Ski Association racers, this is a challenging NASTAR type race. The men’s courses may be somewhat more difficult than the women’s courses. Both courses challenge participants to do their best. Each competitor will be given two runs.
- Challenge Snowboard Race – The snowboard race is similar to a NASTAR type race. Snowboarders will compete on a course set specifically for snowboard competition (the course is the same for men and women) and each competitor will be given two runs.
- Team Relay – For those who prefer leg power to gravity, this is a team relay event. A team consists of four (4) racers, one of whom must be female. The course is no more than one-quarter mile in length. In the past this has been a cross-country ski race, but in most recent years we upped the cardio ante and had the relay run on snow shoes.
- Open (FSA) Race – This race is designed for the more experienced amateur racer. It is typically more difficult than the standard NASTAR race course. Each competitor will be given two runs. There is a fee for this race and you must register for this race the morning of the race. (This race is not for club points.)
- Race Director Fun Race – A fun race of the host resort’s choice for each clubs Race Chair. Race chairmen sell the tickets for this event and the funds raised go to a local charity. (This race is not for club points.)
Learn more here.
Racing is always optional and may not be available on every trip.